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How to Repurpose One Piece of Content Into Multiple collaterals

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Content repurposing refers to taking one piece of content and adapting it into various formats to reach a wider audience. This technique is becoming increasingly popular as it allows businesses and content creators to save time and effort while still producing valuable and engaging content. According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 60% of marketers repurpose content at least once a month, and 29% repurpose content weekly.

Why should you repurpose your content? Here are three significant reasons:

  1. Reach a Wider Audience: By repurposing your content, you can reach a new audience on different platforms and in various formats.
  2. Save Time and Effort: Repurposing content allows you to produce multiple collaterals from one piece of content, saving you time and effort in creating new ideas.
  3. Improve SEO: Repurposing content can also improve your SEO by providing more opportunities for backlinking and increasing your online presence.

So, how can you repurpose one piece of content into multiple collaterals? Here are five ways:

  1. Create Infographics: Use the information from your blog post or e-book to create visually appealing infographics to share on social media.
  2. Turn Blog Posts into Videos: Use your written content to create engaging video content for platforms like YouTube or Instagram.
  3. Transform Webinars into E-books: Repurpose your webinar content into an e-book to offer as a lead magnet or sell on your website.
  4. Use Social Media to Share Snippets: Create bite-sized snippets from your long-form content and share them on social media platforms.
  5. Republish on Different Platforms: Repurpose your content for different platforms, such as Medium or LinkedIn.

What types of content can be repurposed? The possibilities are endless, but here are a few examples:

By repurposing your content, you can maximize your content’s reach and create a strong digital presence across various platforms. With these tips and examples, you can easily repurpose one piece of content into multiple collaterals to engage with your audience and drive more traffic to your website.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing involves taking existing content and adapting, reformatting, or repackaging it into different forms to reach a wider audience or serve different purposes. This can include turning a blog post into a social media series, transforming a webinar into a podcast, or converting research findings into an infographic. The key is to maximise the value of original content by presenting it in various ways to engage and inform audiences across different channels.


Why Should You Repurpose Your Content?

Are you tired of constantly creating new content for your marketing campaigns? Repurposing content is a valuable strategy that can help you reach a wider audience, save time and effort, and improve your SEO. In this section, we’ll delve into the benefits of repurposing your content and how it can enhance your overall marketing strategy. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of why repurposing is a smart and efficient approach to creating content.

1. Reach a Wider Audience

Optimise SEO: Enhance content visibility to reach a wider audience by integrating relevant keywords, meta descriptions and backlinks.

Create Engaging Content: Develop diverse collateral such as videos, infographics and podcasts to appeal to different audience preferences.

Utilise Social Media: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to share repurposed content and engage with a broader audience.

2. Save Time and Effort

Identify Repurposing Opportunities:

Analyse existing content to determine potential collaterals for repurposing, focusing on high-performing pieces.

Modify Content Format:

Convert articles into various formats, such as videos, infographics, or webinars, to cater to diverse audience preferences.

Utilise Content Creation Tools:

Leverage tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, or iMovie for efficient content transformation.

Optimise for Different Channels:

Tailor repurposed content for specific platforms, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

Reap Benefits:

Save time and effort by repurposing existing content rather than creating entirely new material.

3. Improve SEO

Keyword optimisation: Integrate targeted keywords and phrases into the content to enhance its relevance to search queries.

Quality content: Create high-quality, valuable content that engages users and encourages backlinks from reputable websites.

Mobile optimisation: Ensure the content is optimised for mobile devices to improve user experience and search rankings.

Link building: Obtain backlinks from authoritative sources to enhance the credibility and visibility of the content in search results.

How to Repurpose One Piece of Content into Multiple Collaterals?

Are you tired of constantly creating new content for your brand? There’s no need to reinvent the wheel every time. In this section, we will discuss the various ways you can repurpose one piece of content into multiple collaterals, saving you time and effort while still reaching a larger audience. From creating infographics and videos to republishing on different platforms, we’ll explore the different techniques and benefits of repurposing content. Let’s get started!

1. Create Infographics

Research: Identify key data points and compelling visuals for the infographic.

Design: Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create visually appealing graphics.

Content Integration: Integrate relevant statistics, charts, and key takeaways.

Branding: Ensure the infographic reflects your brand’s visual identity.

Promotion: Share the infographic on social media, blogs, and email newsletters.

2. Turn Blog Posts into Videos

Select a blog post with engaging and visually appealing content. Develop a script based on the key points of the blog post. Gather or create visual elements such as images, graphics, or charts to complement the video. Choose suitable video creation tools or software to produce the video. Record a voiceover or narration to accompany the visual content. Edit the video to ensure a cohesive and engaging flow of information. Include branding and a call-to-action for viewers to visit the original blog post.

3. Transform Webinars into E-books

Transcribe the webinar content into text format, making sure it fits with the e-book structure and flow. Improve the text with additional visuals, case studies, or examples to enhance the e-book.

Create a visually appealing cover and layout for the e-book, including branding elements. Convert the e-book to accessible formats such as PDF, EPUB, or MOBI for wider distribution.

Promote the e-book through various channels to maximise its reach and impact. Consider repurposing webinar content into e-books to provide valuable resources for your audience while extending the lifespan of your original content.

4. Use Social Media to Share Snippets

Select the most impactful quotes, statistics, or key points from your content.

Adapt the snippets to fit the format and tone of each social media platform.

Use engaging visuals, such as images or videos, to accompany the snippets.

Include relevant hashtags and tags to increase the visibility and reach of the snippets.

Encourage audience interaction by posing questions or prompts related to the snippets.

5. Republish on Different Platforms

Identify suitable platforms based on your target audience and content type. Optimise content to align with each platform’s requirements and audience expectations. Modify the content format to fit platform specifications, such as image dimensions or video duration. Customise the messaging to resonate with the specific platform’s user demographics and engagement style.

Utilise platform-specific features for content promotion, such as hashtags on social media or keywords on publishing platforms.

What Types of Content Can Be Repurposed?

Content creation can be a time-consuming and labour-intensive process, but what if you could get more mileage out of the content you’ve already created? That’s where repurposing comes in. In this section, we’ll discuss the various types of content that can be repurposed, including blog posts, videos, e-books, infographics, podcasts, webinars, whitepapers, case studies, social media posts, and presentations. By repurposing these pieces of content, you can reach a wider audience and save time and effort in the content creation process.

1. Blog Posts

Repurposing blog posts can be effectively done by following these steps:

  1. Identify evergreen content with potential for repurposing.
  2. Transform the blog post into an engaging infographic or series of social media posts.
  3. Adapt the blog content into a script for a video or podcast episode.
  4. Condense the blog post into an insightful e-book chapter or whitepaper section.
  5. Create a visually compelling slide deck for presentations using the blog’s key points.

To maximise your efforts, ensure that the repurposed content aligns with your audience’s preferences and behaviours.

2. Videos

Identify the key points from your blog posts.

Script a storyboard based on the main ideas.

Record the video, ensuring it is engaging and concise.

Optimise the video for different platforms and audiences.

When repurposing content into videos, ensure the visuals are captivating and the information is presented in a compelling manner to resonate with your target audience.

3. E-books

Choose a compelling topic relevant to your audience’s interests and pain points. Transform the content into a cohesive narrative with clear value and actionable insights. Design visually appealing layouts that enhance readability and engagement. Include interactive elements such as quizzes or worksheets to boost reader interaction. Optimise for various devices and formats to ensure accessibility and user-friendly experience.

A marketing agency repurposed a popular blog series into an e-book, gaining 30% more leads and expanding the client base.

4. Infographics

Repurposing content into infographics offers a visually appealing and shareable format to convey information. Condense key points, statistics, or processes from a blog post or article into a concise, visually engaging infographic. Use platforms like Canva or Piktochart to design infographics with branded colours and fonts. Share these infographics across social media and embed them in relevant blog posts for increased engagement.

5. Podcasts

Transcribe the podcast content into blog posts, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Extract engaging snippets for social media promotion, garnering interest in the podcast.

Transform podcast episodes into YouTube videos, reaching visual-centric audiences.

Repurpose podcast content into e-books or whitepapers, catering to readers seeking in-depth insights.

Create infographics summarising key points from the podcast, appealing to visual learners.

6. Webinars

Choose a webinar topic that aligns with your audience’s interests and pain points.

Design engaging and visually appealing slides to support the webinar content.

Deliver the webinar with clarity, enthusiasm, and interactivity.

Record the webinar for future repurposing as an e-book or video content.

Transcribe the webinar to create blog posts or social media snippets.

7. Whitepapers

Understand the Audience: Identify the target audience and their pain points.

Create a Clear Structure: Outline the whitepaper with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Provide In-depth Insights: Include comprehensive research and analysis.

Visual Enhancements: Incorporate relevant graphs, charts, and visuals to support the content.

Optimize for Readability: Use concise language and formatting for easy comprehension.

Fact: Whitepapers are often used as effective lead generation tools in B2B marketing.

8. Case Studies

Case studies are perfect for repurposing as they can be transformed into various formats, such as blog posts, infographics, and videos, to showcase real-world applications of your products or services.

Pro-tip: When repurposing case studies, focus on highlighting the problem, solution, and results to effectively engage your audience.

9. Social Media Posts

  1. Identify Key Points: Extract important insights or quotes from the original content.
  2. Create Visuals: Develop eye-catching graphics or images that encapsulate the essence of the content.
  3. Engage with Questions: Pose thought-provoking queries related to the core ideas in the content.
  4. Share Behind-the-Scenes: Offer a glimpse into the creation process or the story behind the content.
  5. Interactive Polls or Quizzes: Encourage audience interaction by crafting polls or quizzes based on the content.

A marketing agency repurposed a blog series into engaging social media posts, resulting in a 70% increase in audience engagement and a 50% rise in website traffic.

10. Presentations

Choose an enthralling theme and design for your presentation. Condense the main points of your content into slide-friendly snippets. Add visual elements such as images, graphs, and charts to enhance engagement. Ensure consistency in branding and messaging throughout the presentation. Include a call to action at the end to prompt further engagement or conversion. Consider using a mix of multimedia elements to make the presentation dynamic and engaging for your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How can I repurpose one piece of content into multiple collaterals?

A1. There are various ways to repurpose content, such as creating a video series, developing an e-book, designing an infographic, republishing as a guest blog, and leveraging social media. By utilising these strategies, you can turn your content into highly converting and viral posts that attract attention and bring in more leads.

Q2. Why is repurposing content important for a successful content marketing strategy?

A2. Repurposing content allows you to save time, effort, and money while maintaining consistency across different channels. This helps you scale up your content marketing efforts and follow the marketings rule of 7, which states that a person needs to see or hear your message at least seven times before they take action.

Q3. What types of content can be repurposed for digital media?

A3. Longer form content, such as white papers, industry reports, and niche blog posts, can be repurposed into lead magnets, guest posts, and linkable assets. Additionally, data visualisation and highly converting content, such as videos and infographics, can be used for inbound and outbound outreach, respectively.

Q4. How can I repurpose hard-to-collect information into shareable visuals?

A4. If you have complex data or information that is hard to collect, you can repurpose it into visually appealing infographics or data visualisations with the help of a designer. This will not only make it easier for your audience to understand but also increase shareability on social media.

Q5. Can internal resources, such as support articles and internal guides, be repurposed for external use?

A5. Yes, support articles from a company’s Help Centre and internal guides can be repurposed for website, internal communications, and even marketing use. This can save you time and effort in creating new content and also help maintain consistency in your messaging.

Q6. How can I repurpose my longer form content into smaller, easily digestible formats?

A6. There are several ways to repurpose longer form content, such as breaking down ebooks into multiple blog posts, turning white papers into opinionated blog posts, and creating a series of blog posts from longer pieces of content like books and studies. This allows you to reach a wider audience and increase the chances of your content being seen and shared.

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