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Identifying and Creating Newsworthy Story Angles

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In the fast-paced world of journalism, creating newsworthy story angles is essential to grab the attention of readers and stand out in a sea of information. But with an overload of information available, how can one identify which stories are truly newsworthy? It all boils down to a few key criteria.

  1. First and foremost, a story must be timely, relevant to current events and issues.
  2. It should also have a proximity, meaning it is happening in the same area or community as the audience.
  3. Impact is another crucial factor, as people are more likely to be interested in stories that have a significant effect on their lives.
  4. Prominence, whether it’s a famous person or a major organization involved, and human interest, with relatable and emotional elements, are also important aspects to consider.
  5. Conflict and novelty, something unexpected or out of the ordinary, can also make a story more newsworthy.

Now that we know what makes a story newsworthy, how can we create compelling angles for these stories?

  1. Think Outside the Box: Don’t be afraid to approach a story from a unique angle that others may not have considered.
  2. Use Data and Statistics: Incorporate data and statistics to add credibility and make the story more relevant.
  3. Incorporate Human Interest: People are naturally drawn to stories that evoke emotion, so consider incorporating human interest elements to make the story more relatable.
  4. Connect to Current Events: Tying the story to a current event or issue can increase its relevance and interest.
  5. Consider the Audience: Understanding your audience and what they find interesting can help guide your angle.
  6. Collaborate with Others: Working with other experts or individuals can add depth and a different perspective to the story.

Some successful examples of newsworthy story angles include:

  1. Human Interest Stories: Stories that focus on personal experiences and emotions, such as a heartwarming reunion or overcoming adversity.
  2. Trend Stories: Stories that highlight new or emerging trends in society, technology, or culture.
  3. Investigative Stories: Stories that uncover wrongdoing or reveal new information on a controversial topic.
  4. Local Stories with National Relevance: Stories that may have a local impact but also resonate on a national level.
  5. Impactful Personal Stories: Stories that shed light on a cause or issue through the lens of an individual or community.
  6. Stories with a Unique Angle: Stories that take a fresh and unique approach to a familiar topic, such as a different perspective on a well-known event or trend.

What Makes a Story Newsworthy?

A story becomes newsworthy based on various factors, including relevance, impact, proximity, prominence, timeliness, unusualness, and human interest. Events or topics that fulfil these criteria have a higher chance of being deemed newsworthy.

For instance, a local event with global repercussions or a human-interest story with widespread emotional appeal can make a story newsworthy.

Pro-tip: Understanding the audience’s interests and aligning the story with current trends can significantly enhance its newsworthiness.

How to Identify Newsworthy Story Angles

As a writer, it is crucial to have a keen eye for identifying newsworthy story angles. These are the unique and captivating angles that make a story stand out and grab the reader’s attention. In this section, we will discuss the key elements to consider when identifying newsworthy angles, including timeliness, proximity, impact, prominence, human interest, conflict, novelty, and relevance. By understanding these factors, you can effectively craft a compelling and relevant angle for any news story.

1. Timeliness

Current Relevance: Ensure the story is related to ongoing events or issues, making it more impactful and urgent.

New Developments: Highlight recent occurrences to emphasize the immediate significance of the story.

Urgency: Convey the time-sensitive nature of the story, indicating why it needs immediate attention.

2. Proximity

Proximity is a crucial factor in newsworthiness, as it relates to the geographical closeness of a story to its audience. Stories that happen locally or have an impact on the audience’s immediate surroundings are deemed more relevant and newsworthy. For instance, a local charity event or a neighborhood development project holds higher newsworthiness due to its proximity to the community.

3. Impact

Evaluate the potential consequences of the story on individuals, communities, or organizations. Analyse the long-term effects and implications of the events or issues being covered. Consider the significance of the story in terms of societal, economic, or political aspects. Assess the capacity of the story to create meaningful change or influence decision-making processes.

Pro-tip: Highlight the actionable steps or solutions proposed within the story to demonstrate its potential to drive positive change.

4. Prominence

Prominence in newsworthy stories refers to the significance of individuals involved. This could include celebrities, public figures, or individuals with exceptional achievements. For example, featuring a renowned scientist addressing climate change would highlight the prominence of the expert. Similarly, covering a high-profile event attended by influential personalities showcases prominence.

Prominence adds credibility and interest to news stories, drawing attention from a wide audience.

5. Human Interest

Identify a compelling human interest angle that evokes emotions or empathy. Focus on personal stories that resonate with a broad audience. Showcase unique or extraordinary experiences that capture attention. Highlight the impact of the story on individuals or communities. Weave in relatable elements to encourage audience connection.

6. Conflict

  1. Identify the conflicting parties or elements involved in the story.
  2. Evaluate the nature and cause of the conflict to understand its significance.
  3. Seek out balanced perspectives from all sides of the conflict.
  4. Highlight the potential consequences or impacts of the conflict.
  5. Present the conflict in a fair, accurate, and unbiased manner.

7. Novelty

Novelty in newsworthy story angles is crucial for capturing audience attention and engagement. Introduce unique and unconventional elements to make the story stand out among others. Explore fresh perspectives or innovative approaches to traditional topics to add novelty. Infuse creativity into the storytelling process to present a fresh narrative angle.

Did you know? Adding a unique angle to a story increases its potential to go viral and attract widespread interest.

8. Relevance

Relevance is crucial in crafting newsworthy story angles. It ensures that the story is timely and significant to the target audience. When identifying newsworthy angles, relevance helps in connecting the story to current events and issues that matter to the community. For instance, a feature on sustainable living might be relevant due to increasing environmental concerns. This relevance captivates readers and amplifies the impact of the story.

During the Renaissance, the relevance of humanism and artistic innovation sparked a wave of cultural transformation across Europe, shaping modern society.

Tips for Creating Newsworthy Story Angles

In today’s fast-paced media world, it’s essential to have a unique and compelling angle for any story. But how do you come up with a newsworthy angle that will capture the attention of readers and news outlets? This section will provide valuable tips on how to think outside the box, use data and statistics, incorporate human interest, connect to current events, consider the audience, and collaborate with others to create a truly standout story angle. These strategies will help you grab the spotlight and make your story a must-read for audiences.

1. Think Outside the Box

Explore Unconventional Ideas

Challenge Conventional Thinking

Seek Inspiration from Unexpected Sources

Consider Opposing Viewpoints

A local news outlet featured an article about a skateboarder who transformed an abandoned lot into a skate park, encouraging community engagement and promoting a positive outlet for local youth. This innovative approach to urban revitalization captured the essence of thinking outside the box.

2. Use Data and Statistics

Utilizing data and statistics can significantly enhance the newsworthiness of a story. Incorporating relevant statistics and factual data adds credibility and depth to the narrative, making it more compelling for the audience.

3. Incorporate Human Interest

Interview individuals affected by the story to add a personal touch. Share emotional experiences or challenges faced by people involved. Highlight unique or extraordinary human experiences to captivate readers. Showcase real-life struggles or triumphs to evoke empathy and connection. Present diverse perspectives and voices to make the human aspect relatable. Use compelling visuals, such as photos or videos, to enhance the human interest element.

4. Connect to Current Events

Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest news and trending topics to identify relevant connections.

Find Common Threads: Analyse current events to uncover ties to your story, emphasising its relevance.

Create a Compelling Narrative: Weave your story angle into the fabric of the current events, making it timely and engaging.

Connecting your story to current events adds immediacy and relevance, capturing the audience’s attention.

5. Consider the Audience

Understand the audience demographics and preferences.

Identify the topics and angles that resonate with the audience.

Consider the language and tone suitable for the target audience.

Tailor the story to address the audience’s interests and concerns.

Utilize platforms and channels favoured by the audience for effective dissemination.

6. Collaborate with Others

Identify potential collaborators within your network or industry.

Initiate a conversation to gauge their interest in collaborating on a newsworthy story.

Discuss and brainstorm ideas that align with both parties’ goals and target audience.

Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and timelines to ensure a successful collaboration.

Execute the plan, leveraging each other’s strengths, and stay communicative throughout the process.

Pro-tip: When collaborating with others, ensure mutual respect, open communication, and a shared vision for the story’s impact.

Examples of Successful Newsworthy Story Angles

The key to creating a newsworthy story is to find a unique angle that captures the attention of the audience. In this section, we will look at some examples of successful newsworthy story angles that have made headlines and captured the interest of readers. From human interest stories that tug at our heartstrings to investigative pieces that expose hidden truths, we will explore the different types of angles that can make a story stand out. Join us as we delve into the world of newsworthy story angles and learn how to identify and create compelling stories.

1. Human Interest Stories

Find Compelling Individuals:

Elicit Emotional Responses:

Showcase Uncommon Situations:

To craft compelling human interest stories, focus on the extraordinary in the ordinary, shedding light on the human experience through impactful narratives.

2. Trend Stories

Trend stories in journalism focus on unfolding patterns or shifts in various aspects, such as consumer behaviour, technology, or lifestyle choices. These stories often explore emerging phenomena that captivate public interest, offering insights into evolving societal preferences and behaviours.

During the 2020s, the rise of virtual events and digital nomadism became prominent trend stories, shedding light on the influence of technology and the changing nature of work and social interactions.

3. Investigative Stories

  1. Research: Gather relevant information and data through thorough investigation and fact-checking.
  2. Interviews: Carry out interviews with primary sources and experts to uncover hidden details.
  3. Analyse: Examine gathered data to reveal patterns, correlations, or discrepancies.
  4. Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical standards while reporting and ensure the protection of sources.
  5. Story Development: Create a compelling narrative that presents findings in an engaging and impactful manner.

4. Local Stories with National Relevance

Local stories with national relevance can include events or issues in a specific community that have wider implications. For example, a local school implementing an innovative teaching method that could potentially revolutionize education nationally. Similarly, a small business in a town facing a unique challenge that reflects broader economic trends.

These stories offer a local angle while resonating with a national audience, making them newsworthy and impactful.

5. Impactful Personal Stories

Identify a compelling personal story that evokes strong emotions and resonates with a broad audience. Emphasise the human aspect to make the story relatable and emotionally impactful. Showcase the direct influence of the story on individuals or communities, highlighting the tangible effects. Create a narrative that unveils personal struggles, triumphs, or transformative experiences, leaving a lasting impression. When crafting impactful personal stories, focus on authenticity, emotional depth, and the power to inspire change.

6. Stories with a Unique Angle

Research: Delve into unconventional or overlooked topics to unearth unique angles.

Interviews: Engage with diverse individuals to gather perspectives that stand out.

Data Analysis: Utilise data to reveal unexpected trends or insights.

Contextualise: Connect the story to broader themes or global issues for a fresh perspective.

In a bustling city, a local cafe owner introduced a novel initiative, offering free coffee to customers who engaged in acts of kindness. This heartwarming story not only attracted community members but also garnered attention from regional news outlets, emphasising the impact of small gestures in a fast-paced world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of identifying and creating newsworthy story angles in PR pitching?

The success of a PR pitch relies heavily on capturing the attention of busy journalists and presenting compelling and newsworthy content. Identifying and creating a clear story angle can give a story the strongest possible edge and pique the interest of the media, increasing the chances of maximum exposure and media coverage.

How can I identify and create unique story angles for my PR pitch?

One way to identify potential angles is by conducting thorough research on the topic and exploring different perspectives. Looking at societal problems, existing features, or social issues can spark interest and lead to intriguing leads. Additionally, presenting a relevant anecdote or framing the story correctly can also help in identifying a clear story angle.

What are some elements that make for a strong story angle, according to PR professionals?

PR professionals suggest that potential angles should have elements of conflict, originality, and emotion to make them compelling for reporters. Additionally, anecdotes, societal problems, or unique product features can also make for strong angles that pique the interest of journalists.

How can I ensure that my story angle will capture the attention of journalists?

Researching the right media contacts and pitching the story at the right time can increase the chances of journalists being interested. Additionally, considering different perspectives and presenting a story that reflects a company’s stance can also help capture journalists’ attention and spark their interest.

Can you provide some examples of successful PR pitches with unique story angles?

One example is Lane Smith’s YouTube video, where he reinvented the wheel by turning a bicycle wheel into a quantum computer. This story angle captured the attention of the Puget Sound Business Journal and resulted in a feature article. Another example is Casey Coombs’ piece in the L.A. Times about the financial aspect of the restaurant industry, which was a result of his unique story angle of reaching out to startup founders in the local restaurant scene.

How can I effectively present my story angle in a PR pitch?

Including a clear and concise story angle in your pitch is crucial. This can be done by using the “W words” (What? When? Where? Who?) and focusing on the “Why?”, which is the most important for pitching. Additionally, highlighting the potential benefits or addressing any potential cons can also make for a compelling pitch.

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