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Securing TV Placements: A PR Guide

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TV placement is a crucial aspect of public relations (PR) and involves getting a brand, product, or person featured on television shows or networks. It is an effective way to reach a large and diverse audience, build brand awareness, and establish credibility and authority.

This PR guide will outline the steps to secure TV placements, tips for a successful segment, and common mistakes to avoid.

Identifying the target audience is the first step in securing TV placements. This helps in determining the appropriate shows and networks to pitch to. Researching relevant TV shows and networks is also crucial to understand their content, audience demographics, and previous segments to ensure a good fit.

Once the target shows and networks have been identified, creating a compelling pitch is essential to grab the attention of producers and bookers. Following up and being persistent is necessary as it may take multiple attempts to secure a placement.

Some tips for a successful TV placement include:

It is also essential to avoid common mistakes, such as:

There have been many successful TV placements throughout the years, such as:

These placements have helped companies and individuals gain valuable exposure and credibility.

In conclusion, securing TV placements is a valuable PR strategy that can help brands and individuals reach a larger audience and build their reputation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, avoiding common mistakes, and implementing successful tips, one can achieve a successful TV placement and reap its benefits.

What Is TV Placement?

TV placement involves securing opportunities for your brand or product to be featured on television shows, news segments, or other TV productions, reaching a wide audience and enhancing visibility.

A boutique fashion brand, after implementing TV placement strategies, gained exposure by having their latest collection showcased on a popular morning talk show, resulting in a significant boost in sales and brand recognition.

Why Is TV Placement Important for PR?

TV placement is crucial for PR as it offers extensive reach, credibility, and visual impact. Being featured on TV enhances brand visibility and authority, reaching a broader audience compared to other media. Moreover, it fosters trust and legitimacy, as viewers perceive TV coverage as highly credible. Additionally, TV placements can lead to increased website traffic and social media engagement, amplifying the overall impact of PR efforts.

What Are the Steps to Secure TV Placements?

As a PR professional, securing TV placements for your clients can be a crucial component of a successful media strategy. However, it takes careful planning and execution to secure these valuable opportunities. In this section, we will break down the essential steps to take in order to secure TV placements for your clients. From identifying your target audience to reaching out to the right producers and bookers, we’ll cover all the important aspects of this process. Let’s dive in and learn how to effectively secure TV placements.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Understand demographics, psychographics, and behaviours related to your target audience.

Conduct surveys, interviews, or market research to gather relevant data.

Utilise social media analytics and insights for better understanding.

Create buyer personas to represent different segments of your audience.

Segment your audience based on preferences, needs, and characteristics.

2. Research Relevant TV Shows and Networks

Identify your target audience to determine the most suitable TV shows and networks.

Research relevant TV shows and networks that align with your target audience and PR goals.

Understand the demographics, viewership, and content of each TV show or network to ensure a good fit.

Analyse previous segments or features to gauge the style and tone of the shows or networks.

Consider the reach and influence of each TV show or network on your target audience.

3. Create a Compelling Pitch

Address the specific needs and interests of the target TV show or network when creating a compelling pitch. Provide a unique angle or story that aligns with the show’s theme or audience demographics. Highlight how your pitch adds value to the show and why it’s relevant to their viewers. Emphasise the potential for engaging content and viewer retention through your proposed segment.

4. Reach Out to Producers and Bookers

Research the right contacts within TV shows and networks to reach out to producers and bookers. Craft a tailored pitch highlighting the relevance of your content to their audience. Establish initial contact through email, phone, or networking events. Clearly communicate the value your segment or product will bring to their show. Follow up persistently, showing enthusiasm and commitment to the collaboration.

5. Follow Up and Be Persistent

After sending your initial pitch, follow up within a reasonable timeframe to ensure it was received. Be persistent in your follow-ups without being pushy, showing your commitment to the opportunity. Personalise your follow-up messages to reiterate your interest and value to the show or network.

In 2019, a small startup secured a TV placement after persistent follow-ups, leading to a significant boost in brand recognition and sales.

What Are Some Tips for a Successful TV Placement?

Securing a TV placement for your brand can be a powerful PR tool, but it requires careful planning and execution. In this section, we will discuss some key tips for a successful TV placement that will help you stand out and make a lasting impression. From being prepared and professional to utilizing visual aids and storytelling techniques, we will cover all the essential elements that can make your TV segment both engaging and memorable.

1. Be Prepared and Professional

Being prepared and professional is crucial for successful TV placement. Here are the essential steps:

  1. Research the target audience and tailor your pitch accordingly.
  2. Thoroughly investigate relevant TV shows and networks to ensure a perfect fit.
  3. Create a compelling pitch that highlights your unique story or angle.
  4. Reach out to producers and bookers in a courteous and persistent manner.
  5. Follow up consistently to show your dedication and commitment.

A true story illustrating this is when a PR professional meticulously researched a talk show’s audience, resulting in a perfectly tailored pitch that secured a coveted product placement slot, demonstrating the power of preparation and professionalism.

2. Use Visual Aids and Storytelling Techniques

Use compelling visuals: Incorporate infographics, charts, and images to support your message.

Storytelling techniques: Craft a narrative around your brand or message to engage viewers on an emotional level.

Show, don’t just tell: Use demonstrations or examples to illustrate your points visually.

3. Create an Engaging and Memorable Segment

Structure: Commence with a compelling opening to capture viewers’ attention right from the beginning.

Engagement: Integrate interactive elements such as polls or Q&A sessions to actively involve the audience.

Storyline: Craft a captivating narrative that resonates with the intended audience, eliciting emotions and piquing interest.

Visuals: Utilise dynamic visuals and graphics to enhance the segment’s appeal and assist in storytelling.

Timing: Ensure the segment is succinct, impactful, and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid in TV Placement?

In the competitive world of TV placement, it is crucial to avoid common mistakes that can hinder your success. By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, you can increase your chances of securing valuable TV placements. In this section, we will discuss the most common mistakes to avoid in TV placement, including not knowing the show or audience, not following up or being persistent enough, and not being prepared or professional. Let’s dive in and learn how to navigate the TV placement landscape with confidence.

1. Not Knowing the Show or Audience

Research the show’s format, audience demographics, and previous segments to understand their preferences. Investigate the show’s tone, topics covered, and guest profiles to tailor your pitch effectively. Review viewership data, social media engagement, and feedback to gauge audience interests and sentiments.

Pro-tip: Engage with the show’s social media platforms to grasp audience interactions and tailor your pitch accordingly, ensuring a better chance of successful TV placements.

2. Not Following Up or Being Persistent Enough

Set a follow-up schedule: Establish a timeline for follow-ups after initial pitches to ensure consistent communication.

Be assertive but courteous: Politely remind producers about your pitch to stay on their radar.

Utilise various communication channels: Use emails, calls, and social media to follow up and maintain visibility.

To secure successful TV placements, it’s crucial to strike a balance between persistence and professionalism. Consistent, polite follow-ups can reinforce your pitch without being overbearing.

3. Not Being Prepared or Professional

Research the show or programme extensively before pitching your segment to demonstrate preparedness. Ensure all materials and talking points are well-organised and rehearsed for a professional presentation. Double-check technical equipment and logistics to avoid any last-minute issues that can portray unprofessionalism. Always remember that thorough preparation and a professional approach are key to securing successful TV placements.

What Are Some Examples of Successful TV Placements?

In the world of public relations, securing TV placements can be a valuable and effective way to reach a wider audience and generate buzz for a brand or product. But what exactly does a successful TV placement look like? In this section, we will explore some examples of successful TV placements, including product placements in talk shows, expert interviews on news programs, brand integrations in reality shows, and sponsorships of special events or segments. These examples will provide insight into the different types of TV placements and how they can be utilised for maximum impact.

1. Product Placements in Talk Shows

Research talk shows catering to your target audience, ensuring alignment with your product. Understand the show’s format and audience demographics to tailor your approach effectively. Create a compelling pitch integrating your product seamlessly into the show’s content. Build relationships with show producers and offer value through your placement proposal. Ensure your product placement adds value to the show and resonates with the audience.

For successful product placements in talk shows, focus on seamless integration and audience relevance, enhancing brand visibility.

2. Expert Interviews on News Programs

Research Potential Programs:

Identify news programmes that align with your message and target audience, ensuring the topics covered are relevant to your expertise.

Identify Key Contacts:

Research and connect with producers, bookers, or journalists responsible for guest selection or story assignments.

Create a Compelling Pitch:

Tailor your pitch to demonstrate the value and relevance of your expertise to the news programme’s audience.

Prepare Talking Points:

Develop concise and impactful talking points to convey your expertise effectively during the interview.


Maintain consistent communication to express your availability and sustain interest in your interview.

3. Brand Integrations in Reality Shows

Brand integrations in reality shows involve seamlessly incorporating products or services into the show’s content, aligning with the storyline or theme.

4. Sponsorships of Special Events or Segments

Identify the target special event or segment where you want to secure a sponsorship.

Research the viewership and demographics of the event or segment to ensure alignment with your brand’s target audience.

Reach out to the event organisers or segment producers to discuss potential sponsorship opportunities.

Negotiate terms and benefits of the sponsorship, ensuring it complements your PR goals and budget.

Execute the sponsorship agreement, leveraging the event or segment to enhance your brand’s visibility and reputation.

Did you know that sponsorships of special events or segments can significantly boost brand recognition and engagement with the audience?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is broadcast pitching and why is it important for PR?

Broadcast pitching involves pitching news stories or segments to television outlets, such as local news, national news, or business networks. This is important for PR because it can lead to high-quality reach in real time, with a lasting impact as segments are available online and searchable thereafter.

How can I use the news cycle to my advantage when pitching to broadcast outlets?

Pay attention to current breaking stories and tie in your client or brand to gain the attention of producers. This can help make your subject matter more topical and newsworthy, increasing the chances of securing a segment on a top broadcast show like the Today Show or Fox Business.

What are some tips for pitching to broadcast outlets with tight deadlines?

Producers and guest bookers often work on tight deadlines, so it’s important to be responsive and have a fast pitch ready. This includes having a spokesperson available on short notice and providing all necessary information upfront to make the producer’s job easier.

How does the Communications Act 2003 and the Broadcasting Act 1996 affect broadcast content in the UK?

These pieces of legislation require Ofcom to create a code for television and radio, which covers standards in programmes, sponsorship, product placement, fairness, and privacy. This means that broadcasters must comply with the code, and programme makers can seek advice from their compliance and legal officers to ensure they are following the rules.

What are some key differences between broadcast and print pitching?

The main differences between broadcast and print pitching involve understanding the medium and offering the necessary information for potential segments. This includes paying attention to the news cycle and tying in current news, as well as targeting specific local or regional angles for local affiliates or national angles for wider announcements.

How can I effectively promote COVID-19 diagnostic products through broadcast outlets?

When promoting COVID-19 diagnostic products, it’s important to target local news outlets in areas where the virus has spiked. Pay attention to regional statistics on employment, spending, and consumer confidence to make your subject matter more relevant to producers. Additionally, having an expert spokesperson available for interviews can help to increase the chances of securing a solid broadcast segment.

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